The best fast chargers for 2024

It’s been a minute since you’ve been able to get a USB phone charger bundled with most new flagship smartphones. That means you actually need to think about which one you should get instead, and how much you ought to spend. But the bright side is that, if you pick the right charging brick, it can act as a multi-purpose device that can top up a variety of gadgets while also reducing how much gear you need to carry while traveling.

That said, before you buy anything, there are some important things to consider. Are you looking for a fast charger strictly to pair with your phone, or do you want something that can charge a tablet or laptop as well? Alternatively, if you want something that can recharge a bunch of smaller devices, you need to know how many you intend on powering up simultaneously, as that will dictate the number of ports you need. Finally, some phones like those from…

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