Michael Cohen Cross Examination Highlights His History of Lies

Cohen may not turn out to be the witness prosecutors hoped for.

Disgraced lawyer and star witness for the prosecution Michael Cohen endured more than seven hours of cross-examination Thursday, May 16. And he isn’t done yet; the trial will resume Monday when the defense will wrap up its questioning of Cohen. Thursday’s theme was the witness’s credibility – or lack thereof – based on his own past crimes and lies. Did former President Donald Trump’s old lawyer help or hinder the prosecution’s case? We spoke with Liberty Nation Legal Affairs Editor Scott D. Cosenza, Esq. to find out.

A Credibility Problem for the ‘Fixer’

Graham J. Noble: Michael Cohen, who has often been described as Donald Trump’s former “fixer,” was considered to be the prosecution’s star witness. Scott, did anything he said from the…

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