Hunter Biden’s IRS Lawsuit Looks An Awful Lot Like Whistleblower Intimidation, Legal Experts Say

Hunter Biden’s lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) looks like an effort to intimidate whistleblowers by turning protected disclosures to Congress into the basis for a legal challenge, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Biden filed a lawsuit Monday alleging that two former officials, the whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who are not named as defendants, violated his right to keep tax information confidential by testifying before Congress and making public statements that the investigation had been mishandled. Shapley told CBS News in May that the Department Of Justice (DOJ) “slow-walked” the investigation, and Ziegler asserted in a July Wall Street Journal op-ed that Hunter Biden “received preferential treatment.”

Tax code prevents IRS employees from disclosing confidential tax information, unless requested to do so by the chairman of…

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