Z-Men – The Unsung Heroes of the Sea on Memorial Day


During the Memorial Day celebrations of those who gave their all, one service is often overlooked. Not intentionally, but because their service to our nation’s war effort is often taken for granted. Parades and flag-strewn memorial cemeteries abound for Memorial Day remembrances. Most people think of doughboys slogging it out in muddy trenches. For others, there were horrific fights for the beaches of Normandy and the island battles in the Pacific.

Remembering the Merchant Maine on Memorial Day

On one occasion, according to a National WW II Museum article, the stalwart entertainer and face of USO shows wherever Americans were in combat, Bob Hope, asked his radio audience during a Christmas program, “Did you ever hear of the Z-Men? Sounds like a gag, doesn’t it? Well, it isn’t.” Hope provided the answer: “Z-Men are the guys without whom…

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