Your Children Will Not Inherit America If the Democrats Win In November – RedState

It feels like every other day, a news story comes out that details how another illegal immigrant has assaulted and violated an American in some capacity. Police have been jumped, young girls sexually assaulted, and all the while the Democrats are telling you in their Orwellian way that all the chaos and destruction you’re seeing thanks to the policies of the Biden administration aren’t indicative of absolute chaos at the border. 

As I wrote Wednesday, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas stood in front of reporters and said there was order at the border before being asked why people are still dying, including America’s children, at the hands of illegal immigrants. 

(Watch: Mayorkas Embarrassed During Presser While Trying to Tell Everyone Biden Secured the Border)

And it’s America’s children that I can’t help but think about here, especially as I see the horrifying story…

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