Woman Gets Angry with Husband for Refusing to Drive Her to Run Errands


A woman who is reliant on her husband to get around the “isolated” area they live in has vented about his reluctance to drive her places.

On March, 15, she explained the situation on the U.K. forum Mumsnet, revealing that she doesn’t drive and has “limited” access to public transportation. The woman said she and her husband recently had a “full-blown” argument as she became “upset” with him complaining about having to spend his weekends driving her around.

Following their heated spat, she turned down his offers to drive her to collect an item from a shop two weekends in a row. 

“The following weekend the shop told me to pick it up or they’d return the item,” she wrote on Mumsnet. “I asked DH [dearest husband] if he could take me and he refused. 

Couple in car (stock image).


“He said he asked me three times over the…

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