Woman ‘Angry’ by Pricey Items in Parents’ Attic After They ‘Talked So Much About Poverty’


A woman has made a dismaying discovery while cleaning out the attic of her parents’ home.

In a post on the U.K. parenting forum Mumsnet, the 50-year-old woman said she’s been surprised to find quite a few “pricey” items stored away in the attic, considering her parents “were born on either side” of World War II and “talked so much about rationing, poverty, striking unions, etc.” when she was growing up.

The poster also complained that her brother was “occasionally ill as a child” and “to compensate” was given nicer, more expensive toys — such as “fancy Lego, computers when they first came out [and] hand-held video games.”

“The contrast between his pricey toys and my enjoy your family board game type stuff is obvious,” she wrote on Tuesday, Jan. 28.

On top of that, her parents later “got into collecting” some…

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