Why We Should All Grapple With The Moral Pitfalls Of IVF


Renowned British-American columnist Andrew Sullivan made waves this weekend when he debuted an article grappling with the moral and ethical implications of in vitro fertilization (IVF).

In his essay titled “My Problem With IVF — And Ours,” Sullivan declared that he simply can’t stomach the popular practice that is responsible for manufacturing the estimated million embryos frozen in time in cryogenic tanks.

“[T]he conscious choice to create a human life, and to keep it alive in perpetuity, but never allow it to breathe a single breath, disturbs me,” Sullivan writes.

Sullivan is no social conservative with a cohesive pro-life philosophy. In the article, he explicitly expresses support for “maximal sexual freedom for consenting adults,” “widespread use of contraception,” and “any and all methods to help couples facing fertility issues.” And even…

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