Why Social Media’s Focus on Counting Calories Misses the Mark

Just recently, I was Googling how many calories are in an apple. I don’t necessarily care, but apples are in season, so I’ve been consuming them with a voracious fervor (and using them to make my favorite apple pie and apple crumble recipes). Since I’m consistently surprised by how filling a single apple can be, I thought I’d look up the nutritional value to satisfy my own curiosity. The top Google results varied, ranging from 95 calories to 104 calories to 116 calories in a single fruit. After sifting through more than 10 articles that differed in nutritional metrics, I simply gave up on getting a solid answer. 


For years, I was a firm believer that weight-loss and overall health was simply a matter of eating less calories than you burn. With last night’s internet search in mind, I’ve realized that it’s not quite that simple. 

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