On Tuesday, SpaceX launched its last mission of 2024, its 134th Falcon flight of the year. SpaceX is a testimony to American innovation, employing 13,000 people, including engineers, finance professionals, and janitors. SpaceX is a new company that creates jobs. Elon Musk is the founder of SpaceX, and he also started Tesla, which employs 112,000 men and women.
The company was founded just 20 years ago. Now, Musk is launching a new artificial intelligence venture. He creates new businesses, which create well-paying jobs and are the oxygen of a strong economy. He is responsible for over 120,000 new jobs. Musk was born in South Africa and first came to the United States on a H-1B visa, reserved for highly skilled would-be immigrants to the U.S. Up to 85,000 such visas can be issued each year. The U.S. needs more of the best and brightest from all countries around the…