Why Does Hardly Anyone Seem To Realize That We Are Literally On The Brink Of War With Iran?


What do think Iran is going to do once we start bombing their nuclear facilities?  They know that it is coming, and they have been preparing to respond.  When Iranian missiles are raining down on Israeli targets and U.S. military bases throughout the Middle East, there will be no turning back.  We will officially be at war with Iran.  Needless to say, a war with Iran would be far different from our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  The Iranians have the 8th largest military on the entire planet, and they are armed to the teeth with highly advanced missiles.  It would take a “shock and awe” campaign that is unlike anything we have ever seen before to subdue Iran, and full-blown regime change would probably require an invasion.

Most people simply do not realize how close we are to an apocalyptic scenario in the Middle East.  On Friday,…

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