Why all eyes are on Wisconsin going into the 2024 election


Wisconsin’s legislative and statewide races have caught the attention of local and national officials under newly competitive maps in what is expected to be a competitive general election in November.

In the 2022 midterm elections, outside groups spent $93 million on races for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, secretary of state, and treasurer. That number surpassed the record $61.86 million spent during the 2018 midterm elections in Wisconsin.

“Every time there’s a race in Wisconsin, it seems a new record for outside spending is broken, and it’s just the sky’s the limit,” Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Executive Director Matt Rothschild told Wisconsin Public Radio. “Right now, we’re out here in the wild, wild West.”

Wisconsin has a near-even split between voters registered as Democrats and Republicans. Races are often close in the Badger State.


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