When Will Annihilating the Houthis Become an Objective—UKMTO Reported the Houthis Sunk Another Ship, the Tutor, in the Red Sea – Def-Con News

Still, the fundamental transformer of America—the queer Kenyan puppet/puppeteer behind the screen—is empowering rather than bringing to cessation moslem terrorism on the world stage.

This from newsmax.com.

The question that must immediately be asked—although it will not be until America undergoes a Regime change—is, ‘When will the Houthi’s briefly become U.S. enemy number one?’T

The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) said on Tuesday:

Yemen’s Houthi militants are believed to have sunk a second ship, the Tutor, in the Red Sea.

According to previous reports from UKMTO, the Houthis, and other sources:

The Greek-owned Tutor coal carrier was struck by missiles and an…

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