When It Comes to Voter Fraud, It’s Who Counts That Counts


Last week, a survey conducted by the Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Research found that one in five voters admit to having committed some sort of vote-by-mail violation in the 2020 presidential election.

Because the issues of voting integrity and vote fraud are so important—central, in fact, to our democratic republic—it’s worth dwelling on the findings, always eyeing a possible remedy.   

We can begin with a caveat that this is a self-reported poll. And so the confessed violations would not necessarily feature in the Heritage Foundation’s ever-growing database of proven vote fraud.  

Secondly, some of the violations seem small potatoes. For instance, 21 percent of mail-in voters admitted that they filled out a ballot for a friend or family member. Assuming the absence of fraud (marking a different name than the would-be voter wanted) or duress (forcing a…

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