Amidst the chaos and mass destruction caused over the past few days as multiple fires rage in Los Angeles, countless individuals grappled with what they should bring with them as they fled their homes, many with just a few minutes, or even seconds, to make the decision — if they were lucky enough to pack at all.
“In a time of crisis, it’s so funny what you learn about yourself, in terms of what to save,” says Laurel Canyon evacuee Mel, who didn’t want to share her last name. Her family was told to evacuate when the Runyon Canyon fire broke out on Wednesday, Jan. 8.
“Because we live in a brush fire zone and the winds were so high, we knew we should have a few go bags packed,” she explains. “So we did that casually earlier — some clothes, contact lenses. But when you see flames on the ridge next to yours? It’s like nothing matters. I don’t give a s— about anything of…