What the Heck?! RFK Jr. Tells Bizarre Story About Leaving a Dead Bear in Central Park – RedState

Drama and intrigue have followed around the Kennedy family for many decades, but this has to be one of the strangest stories one of them has ever been involved with.

RFK Jr. posted video to Twitter/X Sunday showing him telling comedienne Roseanne Barr that he knew who was responsible for the dead bear that was found in New York City’s Central Park in 2014—himself. Really.

This is what he says happened:

‘A woman in the van in front of me hit a bear and killed it, a young bear,’ he recalled. ‘So I pulled over, and I picked up the bear and put him in the back of my van because I was going to skin the bear, and it was in very good condition, and I was going to put the meat in my refrigerator. 

‘You can do that in New York state. You can get a bear tag for roadkill bear,’ he said.

Ok, already an interesting if odd story. But it gets weirder. Much weirder:

The 70-year-old presidential…

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