What the American dream looks like


At the American Cornerstone Institute’s third annual Founders Dinner last Saturday, I was honored to present awards to two of our esteemed friends, Javaid Anwar and Bob Unanue. I can’t think of a more fitting place to make this presentation than
George Washington’s
estate at Mount Vernon, the home of the “indispensable man” who did so much for our nation and offered a model for generations of citizens to come. Our two recipients are men in that same vein, and that’s precisely why we chose to honor them this year.

Javaid Anwar, recipient of the first-ever My American Dream Award, was born in Pakistan and raised by a single mother who worked as a telephone operator. After high school, Anwar bought a one-way ticket to the United States and attended the University of Wyoming, where he studied petroleum engineering. Through his hard work, Anwar completed his education and…

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