What Does Border Security Mean to Joe Biden?


Change the rules at the border or just throw money at the problem? Such a tough decision, it seems.

In a presidency defined by disasters, one crisis has proven a much heavier millstone around President Joe Biden’s neck than the rest: Border security – or, rather, a shocking lack thereof. With a record number of illegal aliens encountered by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP), including a new high in “got-a-ways,” and enough fentanyl seized to kill the entire US population, even the Biden White House and congressional Democrats have changed their tune on the issue. No longer is the border crisis a fabrication of the GOP; it’s a problem that must be addressed.

With both sides finally agreeing that the lack of border security is a serious problem, one might assume some bipartisan action has been – or, at least, will soon be – taken. One would be wrong. While…

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