‘What Are You Hiding?’ – RedState


In recent months, I’ve gained a lot of genuine respect and admiration for Riley Gaines, the former 12-time NCAA All-American swimmer at the University of Kentucky. I respect her determination, level-headedness, and persistence; I admire her grit. She has made herself a thorn in the sides of many people who are in the business of denying some very basic biological realities, and we should all admire her for that.

I’m pretty sure Riley Gaines would have liked nothing better than to have had a normal college experience, including her time on the swim team. That’s not a lot to ask, after all, is it? In today’s world, though, it seems it is, and Riley’s jarring first exposure to today’s unrealistic expectations began when she was in the women’s locker room – and heard a man’s voice.

That put Riley Gaines on a mission to end the hideously unfair practice of allowing “transgender” women – men -…

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