We’ve Got to Put Decency Above Politics

CNN commentator Adam Kinzinger said Wednesday in “Newsroom” that he endorsed President Joe Biden over former President Donald Trump because he wanted voters to put decency above political differences.

Kinzinger said, “I think it’s really important for people to understand, particularly the 20% of, let’s just call them the 20% of Haley voters for them to understand that this is a stark choice. This isn’t just who do I agree with more on certain issues. I actually don’t even really know where Donald Trump stands on many issues but this is about does democracy survive the way we love it, or does it not? Do we continue to change these these standards? I lived through January 6. I didn’t watch it on TV. I was there and I have a two-and-a-half year-old kid that I do not want raised in a country where things like that are okay to happen. So for me it’s just we’ve…

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