'WeCrashed' on AppleTV+ promises the world, but delivers very little


Students of history learn the importance of primary sources; eyewitness accounts of what people saw and did when all of this history was going on. You also learn that there’s a great need for evidence to be gathered before the twin evils of memory and self-deception color the narratives. Just as important, however, are secondary sources which can collate all of that testimony, to pick out the truth, or at least a working theory about what went on.

Take WeWork, a startup that leases office space to individuals and small businesses with an emphasis on fancy design and an open bar. As Scott Galloway once said, “they’re renting f*cking desks,” but wound up inexplicably deemed to be worth $47 billion. Now, you might be wondering how exactly that came to be, but it’s not a question that Apple TV’s WeCrashed can answer. It can, in excruciating detail, lead you through the…

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