Wealthy and Productive French Citizens Eyeing Escapes to Switzerland, Italy – Def-Con News


The buzz phrase coming out of France: “The power to tax is the power to destroy.”

This from redstate.com.

A dumpster fire, French style.

Leftist politicians certainly know this. They use this principle to their advantage; they always have and always will.

Large swathes of their leftist constituencies want them to; they vote for precisely this, and the pols deliver, at least in appearance; see Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her infamous Met gala “Tax the Rich” gown.

The power to tax is wielded to “get the rich,” in other words, to punish the successful; the problem is that without producers, an economy comes apart. This never fails; it happens every time, and now it will be happening in France, where that nation has just…

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