‘We Are Moving on the Right Track’


White House economic adviser Jared Bernstein said on this week’s “Fox News Sunday” broadcast that the U.S. economy was “moving on the right track.”

Partial transcript as follows:

BERNSTEIN: Well, I want to try to paint a realistic picture that’s nuanced, that takes into account everything you just said. But also reflects not just what on people — what people are saying, which we have to listen to, they are the best arbiters of their economic conditions, but also what they’re doing. So we’re just coming out of a Black Friday, that is already setting records for online buying between 10 and 16 billion for Black Friday online.

We are looking at consumer spending that’s been driving this economy forward posting growth rates that are north of 5%. We have an unemployment rate that’s been below 4% for 21 months. Now, what that means in a period where inflation…

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