Wayne LaPierre Leaves the NRA – His Fraud Trial Starts Monday


The head of the NRA is gone; long live the NRA!

Wayne LaPierre, the long-time NRA president, has managed to unite the poles of the gun rights and gun control activist continuum. By announcing his resignation, he caused delight and scornful remembrance from all. For gun control activists, he was an effective foe who they claim helped facilitate mass shootings. On the other side of the coin, many Second Amendment advocates saw LaPierre as thoroughly corrupt – a man who captured and used the NRA for his own gain. Mr. LaPierre will stand trial in New York on civil fraud charges brought by Democrat Attorney General Letitia James on Monday, January 8.

“I’ve been a card-carrying member of this organization for most of my adult life, and I will never stop supporting the NRA and its fight to defend Second Amendment freedom. My passion for our cause burns as deeply as ever.”

That was how…

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