Watch As American Girl Doll Unleashes A Nightmare Just Before Christmas


American Girl Doll released a new advertisement on social media Monday, and it’ll give you nightmares for the rest of your life.

Just when you thought being a woman in 2023 couldn’t get more exhausting, American Girl Doll released an advertisement online clearly featuring a man appropriating a little girl’s voice. Not only is it the creepiest thing you’ll see this Christmas season, but it’s also one of the most insulting to women and girls everywhere.

The script is also pretty much a giant F-U to girls, as it jokes about “Girl Math.” According to the marketing team at American Girl Brand, “girl math” is on par with “holiday math,” which it turns out is just bad math …

“WOW! We’ve clearly came a long and sad way since the original pleasant company with this sad charade of girl(doll face) but clearly MAN voice post. A company that was built by a…

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