Washington Post Purge Proves Media is a Leftist Cartel – Def-Con News

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos determined his pet paper, The Washington Post, needed a change of management and brought in veterans from the UK’s Telegraph.

This from frontpagemag.com.

The Post’s wokesters and others from around the media decided this attack on the home team would not fly and began running hit pieces on the two men (the imported veterans).

The specific allegations matter less than the fact that the only real issue here was political fidelity.

The sense was that Will Lewis and Rob Winnett—while not actual conservatives—were not proper leftists and might have a different agenda than wokeness.

Such actions as Bezos’s had occurred in the past, but never at such a high-profile level.

Journalists, including Bari Weiss, were squeezed out at the New York Times…

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