Venezuela’s Socialists Claim over 95% of Voters in Sham Election Want to Annex Most of Guyana


CARACAS, Venezuela — The socialist regime here claimed on Sunday that 10.5 million Venezuelans votes in favor of annexing most of Guyana in a sham referendum — a claim disproven by footage taken nationwide and throughout the day of barren voting centers, as well as low turnout tallies at local stations.

Socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro organized a “referendum” on Sunday asking if the public supported the creation of a new state called Guayana Esequiba in a 61,600-square-mile territory disputed between Venezuela and Guyana for over 120 years. The creation of the state would grant residents of the territory, currently representing two-thirds of the entire territory of Guyana, Venezuelan citizenship.

The Maduro regime spent lavishly on a campaign to get the public invested in the Essequibo dispute, pouring the impoverished nation’s public resources into ads, apparel,…

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