Valoi Easy35 Film-Scanning Kit Review: Fast, Affordable, and Easy to Use

We might be deep in the digital age, but film photography has never gone away. Like records, which lived on through tapes, CDs, and now digital music, film continues on. However, while you can DIY develop film quite easily, making prints with an enlarger remains a cumbersome process that requires a dedicated space. The more economical alternative is to scan your film and print it digitally.

Professional scanning is expensive, and pro-level scanners are also expensive (not as expensive as enlarging your house to make way for a darkroom, but still not cheap). One popular solution is to photograph your negatives with a high-resolution digital camera. The resulting RAW file can then be touched up, sharpened, and printed like any other digital file.

And finally, photographing your images still isn’t as easy as it sounds. That’s where Valoi’s Easy35 film-scanning kit comes in. It’s…

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