VA Bonus Scandal Is Rare Case Of Govt. Fixing A Problem It Made


It’s rare for this observer to say a government official, much less a Biden administration Cabinet member, did the right thing. But in at least one case, such an official did just that. Unfortunately, the official did so only to remedy a problem his own department’s mismanagement and corruption had created.

A recent House Veterans Affairs Committee hearing examined a scandal whereby senior Veterans Administration/Affairs (VA) officials received millions of dollars in taxpayer-funded bonuses they did not deserve. Secretary Denis McDonough took swift action to rescind and recover the money on behalf of taxpayers once he finally discovered the scandal, but the ordeal raises obvious questions about the bureaucratic mess that led to this fiasco.

Bureaucratic Cash Grab

The bonuses in question came as a result of the “burn pits” legislation Congress passed in 2022,…

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