US Offering Maduro and His Henchmen Amnesty If He Cedes Power – RedState


As we’ve reported, Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro declared he won the presidential election in July despite mountains of evidence that he actually received fewer votes than opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia. Now, according to the Wall Street Journal, the Biden administration is offering Maduro and his top henchmen amnesty and an end to the DOJ’s investigations into their dealings if he will give up power before his term ends in January.

The U.S. is pursuing a long-shot bid to push Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro to give up power in exchange for amnesty as overwhelming evidence emerges that the strongman lost last month’s election, people familiar with the matter said.

The U.S. has discussed pardons for Maduro and top lieutenants of his who face Justice Department indictments, said three people familiar with the Biden administration deliberation. One of…

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