Urban and Rural Communities Play Tug of War


Cities appear to be thriving, but the numbers are deceiving.

Despite many people fleeing US cities during the pandemic’s signature year, several metropolitan areas appear to be enjoying a revival. Statista estimated that 83.7% of the US population might live in urban communities by 2025, a percentage that could climb to 89.2% by 2050. In fact, the United Nations Population Division predicts seven out of every ten people worldwide will live in urban territories by 2050.

According to a study published in Sage Journals, “[N]onmetro counties (defined in 1980) grew from 55 million people in 1980 to roughly 70 million in 2020. Yet, because of nonmetro-to-metro reclassification, the 2020 census reports a nonmetro population of only 46 million.”

But the numbers are misleading.

When Rural Becomes Urban

Rural demographics…

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