Vivek Ramaswamy — as a top-tier hedge fund investor, a bona fide member of the parasitic class of financier elites who leech off of American largesse while producing themselves nothing of value — recently recaptured my attention after his vile anti-American rant extolling the superiority of Indian culture over American culture, which is an odd thing to do for someone who could easily hit the airport and retire in his native land and live out the rest of his life in luxury with the millions of dollars, approaching a billion, in ill-gotten gains off the backs of American workers.
But it seems like he’d rather stay in the United States and make more money milking the rubes he holds in contempt.
For those who haven’t seen it, here’s what Ramaswamy thinks of America, and Americans, dripping with condescension and self-righteousness:
A culture that celebrates the prom queen over the…