Ukrainian director Stanislav Kapralov (“Let It Snow”) was in the middle of pre-production for a new film — a Hollywood project with U.S. actors and a U.S. distributor lined up — when Russia invaded Ukraine on Thursday. The film was set to be shot in Chernobyl, which was seized by Russian military forces on the first day of battle. Kapralov has worked with some of Ukraine’s biggest names, including Ivanna Sakhno (“Pacific Rim: Uprising,” “High Fidelity”).
He spoke to Variety by email on Friday morning.
Where are you right now?
My family and I are in Ukraine. It was not possible to leave, but we moved from Kiev to western Ukraine. My father and grandmother are still in Kyiv. They are hiding in basements from bombings – elderly people sitting in damp basements… My grandmother and father aren’t panicking though. Everyone believes in the Ukrainian army, and…