UK Insurgency Expert Warns: Civil War Is Coming


When a deeply unpopular governing construct clings to power and openly treats the citizens who oppose it as an internal enemy, societal tumult becomes inevitable. A British expert on “irregular warfare” has issued a dire warning that the UK is rushing headlong to the worst manifestation of popular unrest – civil war – and that a hostile and woefully out of touch government is solely to blame.

David Betz is “Professor of War in the Modern World at King’s College London, and specialist in the study of insurgency and counterinsurgency, information warfare, cyberwarfare, and propaganda,” journalist Louise Perry relates. Perry interviewed Betz in February on an ominous subject: “The Coming British Civil War.” The professor is not hopeful that it can be avoided.

‘Societal Failure’ in the UK

Betz told Perry he has long studied “the subject of…

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