UK Broadcaster Warns About ‘New Form Of Communism’ Following Socialist Mayor Attempt To Shut Down NatCon Conference


British broadcaster Nigel Farage warned Wednesday on Fox News about a “new form of communism,” following an attempt from Brussels’s socialist mayor Philippe Close to shut down the National Conservatism Conference this week.

Farage appeared on “The Ingraham Angle” to discuss how Close reportedly attempted to shut down the NatCon conference Tuesday by pressuring the establishments, at which Farage was a keynote speaker. Fox host Laura Ingraham asked the British broadcaster what Americans should “take away” from the attempt to cancel the conference. (RELATED: Socialist Belgian Mayor Tries To Force Closure Of National Conservatism Conference)

“Yes, I mean, look at what is happening in every American university, as it’s happening here,” Farage stated. “Where ideas that are perfectly reasonable, legitimate, ideas are branded as somehow as being extreme, mad, and…

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