Trump warns: U.S. will turn into a far worse UNLIVABLE version of San Francisco if Kamala wins
Former President Donald Trump has warned that the U.S. will turn into a bigger and unlivable version of San Francisco if Vice President Kamala Harris wins in the November presidential election.
“Everything she touched turned bad. California turned bad,” Trump told Fox News. “You can’t walk in San Francisco, you barely can go to California anymore. People say in the state that it is in terrible, terrible crime trouble … and drugs all over the place. You cannot walk down the streets.”
“San Francisco is unlivable now, unlivable. Fifteen years ago it was the most beautiful city, one of the greatest cities in the world. Today, it’s unlivable.”
Trump pledged that “hopefully, [the city is] able to be brought back if possible” to its formerly livable state. He followed up with a warning that…