U.S. lagging way behind Russia, China in military tech as domestic hypersonic missile program gets delayed to 2025 – NaturalNews.com

U.S. lagging way behind Russia, China in military tech as domestic hypersonic missile program gets delayed to 2025

As China and Russia grow their respective militaries leaps and bounds into the future, the United States is lagging behind as the finalization and release of its Long Range Hypersonic Weapon System (LRHW) has now been pushed back to fiscal year 2025.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report on June 17 indicating that the U.S. Army will not be able to field its first LRHW battery until 2025 because of problems with both the launcher and launch sequence of the new killer technology.

“The LRHW is a trailer-launched, intermediate-range missile with a projected range of more than 1,700 miles,” explains Sakshi Tiwari for The Eurasian Times.

“The system seeks to accomplish an incredible ‘hypersonic’ top speed of Mach 17, or 3.6 miles per second. The…

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