U.S. Envoy Amos Hochstein Arrives in Mideast to Discourage War in Lebanon

U.S. Special Envoy Amos Hochstein met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday as he tried to push Israel and Lebanon to avoid a war that Hezbollah has expanded in recent weeks by firing at northern Israel.

Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed terror organization, is attacking Israel from southern Lebanon, in violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1707, which ended a war in 2006 and which bars the group from the border.

Hochstein brokered a deal in 2022 in which Lebanon was given Israeli offshore gas fields in the Mediterranean in the hope that it would deter Hezbollah, which dominates the Lebanese government, from attacking Israel in the future.

But after the Hamas terror attack of October 7, Hezbollah began firing rockets, anti-tank missiles, and explosive drones at Israel, killing both soldiers and civilians, forcing the evacuation of 60,000…

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