Tulsa, Oklahoma Becomes State’s First ‘Welcoming City’


As many cities have begun to turn away from being “welcoming” or “sanctuary” cities, the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, seems to be heading in the opposite direction.

Activists for migrants were celebrating this week by designating Tulsa as its newest “Welcoming City.” The designation comes after Mayor G.T. Bynum and members of the city council enacted several measures since September to make the city a more desirable destination for illegal migrants.

The group Welcoming America has helped cities across America create, promote, and guide efforts to create conditions better for migrants in American cities.

One of the efforts by Tulsa was the Asian Affairs Commission enacted by Mayor Bynum in September, the group says. The new commission will focus on workforce and economic development, education, and civic engagement, according to KOSU.

During his State of the City…

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