Trump loves ‘ready for prime-time central casting’ in VP selection: Tiana Lowe Doescher

The Washington Examiner’s Tiana Lowe Doescher argued the rumored short list of former President Donald Trump’s possible vice presidential candidates stems from his love of “ready for prime time central casting.”

The topic of who Trump will select as his vice president for the 2024 election cycle has been speculated for months now, with a new report indicating the three most likely candidates include Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND), Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and J.D. Vance (R-OH). Doescher suggested Trump wants someone who is great with the public, which she contended all three of these candidates are.

“Marco Rubio, incredible orator, same thing with J.D. Vance, great personal story, and Doug Burgum, billionaire in his own right, very successful businessman,” Doescher said on Fox News’s Your World with Neil Cavuto. “Look, they don’t necessarily shore up any significant…

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