Trump Is Getting ‘Leniency and Second Chances’ from Our Judicial System


Former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Alex Wagner Tonight” that former President Donald Trump was getting lenient treatment from our judicial system.

Katyal said, “If you want to see unequal treatment in our judicial system, look no further than the way the courts have treated Donald Trump or indeed his codefendant today. They are afforded leniency and second chances than the average defendant could never dream of. Time and time again we are seeing Trump as codefendants get the benefit of the doubt.”

He continued, “Look, the country is watching this gag order hearing. Whatever Donald Trump does, other defendants and other cases are gonna do it, whether it’s a mafia case, a drug case, whatever. This sets a precedent for norm breaking behavior. We didn’t have to wait a day to see the corrosive effects of Trump’s arguments already,…

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