Trump Blasts Melania’s Ex-Friend Who Blamed Biden’s Debate Loss on Lighting

Former President Donald Trump on Sunday blasted Melania Trump’s ex-friend Stephanie Wolkoff who blamed President Joe Biden’s abysmal debate performance on camera angle and bad lighting by CNN.

“Wolkoff, a total airhead who was dumped by Melania years ago for being a publicity seeking airhead who added nothing, had a love affair with the Fake News, and was a boring, small time loser, now gets into the news again by blaming Crooked Joe Biden’s absolutely dismal debate performance on “lighting” (that’s a new one!) and the angle of the podium, which he chose,” Trump posted on Truth Social.

“No, Biden, the worst President in the history of our Country, lost because I beat him, he is not good on the big stage, and he CHOKED!!! Stephanie should start getting her sad life together, perhaps by working for Crooked Joe after he leaves the White House and our Country…

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