Trump Blaming China Without Investigating The West?


QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you disagree with Trump blaming China for this virus leaking from their lab?


ANSWER: I do not care if it was a mistaken leak from China’s lab or it was sent here by aliens intending to invade the planet. The source is irrelevant. There are also conspiracy theories that it was created and planted by Bill Gates since he has been the one person to gain so much from this fiasco. Since the World population is estimated to reach 7.58 billion and Gates’ companies got $10 per vaccine that would be twice his fortune. But in fact, they usually get $50 or more per flu shot. That would mean vaccines would cost almost $400 billion for just one. Why stop there. There are numerous viruses.

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The blame belongs in the West and how did we allow the WHO and Imperial College’s Neil Ferguson to put out false information that there would not be enough bed space to…

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