Tories Have Been Anti-Family for ‘Very Long Time’ Says Reform

The heir-to-Blair Conservative Party wouldn’t be happy “until every woman is out at work”, Reform UK spokesman Ann Widdecombe tells Breitbart London, the latest pushback against a world view that sees humans as featureless, interchangeable GDP-generation units.

Nigel Farage’s Reform UK is surging in the polls for next month’s snap general election and as it presents itself as the credible party of opposition to hold the all-but-inevitable Labour administration to account, it has been talking about a party platform of policies broader than its usual bread-and-butter of border control and Brexit. One of these areas that presents potentially fertile ground to Reform, which self-evidently is not hidebound by Westminster dogma or the dreaded so-called ‘Treasury orthodoxy’ is family policy, which matters a great deal to many voters but struggles to get even a mention…

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