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Read our full Astro Bot review

Astro Bot is a gorgeous 3D platformer with an adorable protagonist, dozens of planets to explore and a wide range of ultra-satisfying mechanics to perfect. It requires patience, awareness and a high degree of platforming skill, though resets are generous and failure doesn’t cost anything other than your time. The main character, Astro, is endlessly charming as he flies among galaxies on a mission to rescue 300 of his friends, many of whom embody characters from Sony’s library and the wider gaming world — bots from Capcom, Konami and Sega franchises abound.

Many of the planets that Astro lands on introduce new mechanics, such as spring-loaded boxing gloves that look like frog faces, an octopus that blows Astro up like a balloon, a mouse backpack that shrinks him at will, a penguin-propelled swimming booster, and a stopwatch that temporarily freezes…

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