Too Many Americans Are Making This Retirement Mistake


SmartAsset: Alarming number of working Americans cash out retirement accounts when changing jobs

The very essence of a retirement nest egg lies in the concept of patient growth and compounding of investments over time. Its purpose is to offer a bountiful reserve of funds when one bids farewell to the workforce, ensuring a comfortable retirement. However, a disconcerting trend has emerged, as a significant portion of younger workers succumb to the temptation of prematurely shattering their nest eggs.

The result is a tax bill, fines for early withdrawals, lost contributions and a diminished – or vanished – account balance likely to come up short at retirement time. We’ll discuss the details.

financial advisor can help you organize your retirement savings and make sure you are set up to meet your financial goals.

Workers Are Cashing Out Their 401(k) When Leaving Their Jobs

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