This Super-Organized Fanny Pack Is Perfect for Parents


That secure pocket I mentioned? It’s the perfect size to squeeze in a diaper and a small pack of wipes! My kid is currently in a size four diaper, so YMMV if your child is bigger, but it’s been a handy option when we’re running a super quick errand around the corner and just want the bare minimum of preparedness.

It also fits nicely into larger diaper bags—I had mine sitting on the top of a Petunia Picklebottom diaper bag with my wallet and necessities, making them easy to find and leaving the rest of the bag for kiddo things.

Obviously, it’s missing a key component necessary for a true diaper bag replacement: a changing pad. If you wanted a slim, diaper-only hip bag with a changing pad, the slightly cheaper No Reception Club Sidekick ($85) covers those bases perfectly (but fits little else in the bag itself).

The Little Things

The Tortuga Travel Sling offers a few nice quality-of-life…

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