Thinking of Immigration as a Security Issue Means We Can’t See It as Economic Necessity

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA) said that because we’ve lumped immigration in with border security, we can’t think of immigration as an economic necessity because it’s viewed as a security issue.

Host Ali Velshi said, “Congressman, I’m always — I’m concerned about, in this country, we have, accidentally or otherwise, decided to treat immigration as a security threat, as opposed to an economic matter. We’ve done this — immigration falls under the Department of Homeland Security, which I’ve always thought, I understand why it was done after 9/11, but it feels like it was actually a mistake. Most other countries think of immigration as an economic imperative, and they think about security at their borders as a separate matter. We’ve lumped the two together, and now it becomes impossible for Americans to think…

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