‘They Worked Heroically’: Union Official Defends Taxpayer-Paid Bureaucrats Not Coming Into The Office

A top union official was quoted in a Washington Post op-ed vigorously defending federal workers who continue to work remotely after the COVID pandemic.

Only 6% of federal workers are working in the office full time, 30% work fully remote and 64% were on a hybrid schedule, according to an April Federal News Network (FNN) survey that polled 6,338 federal workers. American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Policy Director Jacqueline Simon derided the idea of taxpayer-funded federal employees returning to the office while citing her disdain for the Biden administration’s push against remote work, she said in the Post op-ed.

As of 2023, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) estimates that there are 2.1 million civilians in the federal workforce.

“People are coming back to the office more days, but to say the least, it’s not very practical or popular,” Simon was quoted…

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