The United Nations thinks the Taliban can be convinced to respect women

You are not supposed to negotiate with terrorists, but if you are the United Nations, you can sit down and have a nice, pleasant chat with them as they oppress millions of women.

U.N. Special Envoy Roza Otunbayeva, the top U.N. official in Afghanistan, is holding a meeting with the Taliban and envoys from 22 countries to ask the Taliban to protect women’s rights. Absent from this meeting are Afghan women, the ones who are being oppressed by the fundamentalist Islamic regime that blocks them from working, leaving the home, or going to school.

Otunbayeva insists “nobody dictated” that women must be left out of the meeting, meaning that the U.N. chose to make that part of the procedure in keeping with its tradition of pandering to the worst governments in the world. The U.N. had already been working toward recognizing the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan once…

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